Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pre-K Technology Application TEKS

The technology applications TEKS for Pre-K consists of the following:
  • open, navigate and use software programs and applications
  • use and name a variety of computer input devices
  • operates voice/sound recorders and touch screen
  • recognizes that information is accessible through the use of technology

A spiraling or scaffolding curriculum is a curriculum that goes over a subject many tine at increasing levels of difficulty. Implementing these TEKS in the Pre-K using a spiraling curriculum can be done through all core courses. As a student learns their numbers and letters, powerpoint can be used instead of the typiccal flash card. Voice/sound recorders could also be used with learning phonetics. Letter recognition could also be done by locating the keys on the keyboard.

Texas Long-Range Plan

I like the vision of the plan. The future of education is based in technology. Eventually, actual teachers will become obsolete. All education will take place via technology. This plan is gradually moving us toward that eventuality. It allows for the time it will take to implement the plan. As a teacher, I like that everything is not being thrown at me at once. It gives me time to get used to the ideas of technology in education, while giving me time to become proficient at it also.

New learning as an instructional leader can only be of benefit. I want to be on the forefront of the innovation of technology in education, not at the tail end. I want to learn everything I can to be effective in teaching others by modeling. Leaders have to lead. They can't wait for someone else to say, "Here, do this."

Technology Applications Survey & SEDTA

I understand the basics of the different aspects of technology. I know how to use all the basics of the different types of software, know the basics of the internet and intranet, know the basics of input/output devices, and know the basics on the hardware. I am not an expert at any of these things. I do not know all the ends and outs of the software programs, internet, intranet, input/output devices and the hardware. I would define myself as technology literate, but not technology proficient. This would assist me as a principal on campus. This enables me to have intellectual communications with stakeholders about technology. Since I am not proficient, I do not know all the technology and programs that are available right now. I would always have to defer to someone else to bring, implement and model the new technology.

The technology areas where I need more knowledge and skills that will help guide my future technology professional development is in information acquisition and foundations. I need to become more proficient at knowing where to find information and move past the basics of operating within the various programs to knowing much more. One of the things I need to know as an administrator is whether my students have access to technology at home or not, and if they do, to what degree. Knowing this information changes how I would implement technology into school and the degree in which the school would provide technology services outside of school hours. I also need to know who is proficient at technology and what programs they can use: girls, low socio-economic backgrounds, students with learning needs and historically racial or ethnically disadvantaged.