Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Achievement of Outcomes

Through this course I learned a lot of technology jargon. I feel that I could hold an intelligent conversation with the technology teacher and understand the majority, if not all. I also learned about what is available in the world of technology. There are safety programs available. There are websites that allow a user to share their documents. There are sites that can be applied to the desktop to make finding your documents easier. I learned about all the various types of open-source technology. An outcome I feel I did not achieve is application of these technologies in the daily life of the leader and in the daily life of the teacher. I believe that something that is brand new and innovated is introduced to people, there should be specific examples. In this course, I learned about all these new technologies, but I am left unsure of how to use them. As a leader, I believe that it is important to know how the teachers can apply the new trends in their classroom. Again, there were no specific examples of what could be done that I could take back to my teachers.

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