Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What I Learned

Through this course, I learned that my teaching and education philosophy was outdated, useless and detrimental to the future. When I first started teaching, my philosophy was, “If they way I was taught was good enough, then why isn’t it good enough for these kids.” I couldn’t see why we had to change how we were teaching when this way had worked for me and so many others. I also learned that I am a digital immigrant, not a digital native. I always thought I was a digital native because I knew more than my parents did and most around me, but sadly I did not know enough. I am now educating myself on the newest technologies so I can be as close to a digital native as a digital immigrant can possibly get. I believe that it is important for a leader to know that a change is needed and is willing to make the change when necessary. I have changed my teaching and education philosophy from looking to the past, to looking to the future.

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