Sunday, November 29, 2009

Educator Preparation and Development

Educator Preparation and Development is all about preparing and developing the educators. Educators have to know about technology and its advancements. It is important that educators increase their own knowledge, continue to learn about technology and demonstrate that knowledge. As teachers, it is our job to continually learn and then to demonstrate that knowledge to our students.

Over the past three years, the progress in this area at Celeste ISD has grown. Each year they have improved in this area, which has not been the case throughout the local area, the state and nation. They offer staff developments to train their teachers. They encourage their teachers to attend staff developments offered by outside entities. They give their teachers time to figure out how to implement technology in the classroom.

There are several districts in my area which are drastically behind technologically in comparison to Celeste ISD. It is one of the most technology-forward districts in our area. It has implemented a new education program that allows more freedom for the students in how they learn. The program gives students the option to complete required curriculum at home via the internet with dual credit options and complete enrichment curriculum in a traditional classroom setting.

There is no one in our area that offers this education program. All other districts in our area, including my own, are having to play catch up. My own district is greatly lacking in implementing technology in the classroom. I believe the reason why is because we have no one who understands technology to the extent to know the best way to implement it in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked what you had to say regarding continuing education for teachers in technology. I too feel that it is vital for teachers to be given opportunities to learn so they can pass that information on to their students. I know that my district ranks really high in all areas except for this one, and several of our teachers feel like they are completely inept when they walk into the lab and the students have to start teaching them.
